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New Building Brings New Opportunities

Anne Rice • April 6, 2023

Arapahoe County FCA staff members at the HitStreak building for a recent staff meeting.

New Digs, New Partnership 

Before HitStreak opened a new softball and baseball training facility in Dove Valley, owner Scott Vatter had a specific vision in mind for the mezzanine space above the batting cages. 

Several years ago, he started reaching out about what FCA was doing in South Denver. He’d never been involved in FCA before but wanted to join a coaches Bible study. Vatter ended up being part of a group that met at Chick-fil-A. But meeting at a restaurant wasn’t ideal. He also knew of other Bible studies and fellowship groups meeting in similar places. “I always felt like there should be a dedicated place for groups to meet, and there wasn’t,” he says.  

When he saw the mezzanine of the new HitStreak building, a light bulb went on. "This is the place coaches can meet," Vatter says.

Vatter reached out to FCA again, and a unique partnership was born. When HitStreak moved into its new facility in Centennial in January, FCA staff members helped move batting cage turf and other equipment into the building. Today, FCA uses the mezzanine space for staff meetings. Plans are underway to raise funds to close off and remodel the mezzanine. The project is expected to cost $15,000. 

The vision is simple: Provide a comfortable place where coaches of all sports and FCA staff can meet for huddles, encouragement, training, and planning. 

“I want it to be an easy place to meet,” Vatter says. “My hope is it will become a place where coaches can encourage each other and grow spiritually. I think coaches need that connection and fellowship with other coaches.” 

Founded in 2006, HitStreak offers year-round baseball and softball training, coach and player clinics, private and small group instruction, and fall team programs. Eventually Vatter said he would like to see FCA build baseball and softball teams out of HitStreak, coached by individuals trained in FCA's 360 Coach program, with a vision to honor Christ in sports. This fits into FCA’s vision to help coaches and athletes in club and league sports grow spiritually. 

“It will be fun to see how all of this evolves,” Vatter says.  

Join us in praying for this new facility and partnership. We are excited about the opportunities!

Help FCA Grow in South Denver

WHO: We are seeking financial partners to help us remodel the FCA meeting space at HitStreak.

WHY: This space will be used for huddles, training, meetings and other events.

COST: The entire project is expected to cost $15,000.

HOW TO GIVE: Click on the button to give.

Give to Meeting Space Remodel
  • View of Hit Streak batting cages from the upper floor

    View of the batting cages from the second floor mezzanine.

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  • A recent FCA Arapahoe County staff meeting at Hit Streak

    Recent Arapahoe County FCA meeting at Hit Streak

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    Casting a vision for the HitStreak space with members of the business community who support FCA.

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